Let's Get Fit is an editorial series
teaching the basics of macro nutrition.
Let's Get Fit uses doctorial opinions to give readers' real life stories on different types of macros. The first series discusses the topics of: Macros, Ketogenic Macros, and Veganism Macros.
With all the free media and information readers' can learn about new topics and ideas. However, because of this new era there is no way to know how creditable the information is. Let's Get Fit takes multiple opinions from creditable doctors, along with real life stories on different people with different goals and their journey with Macro Nutrition.
Macro is short for macronutrient, of which there are three: protein, carbohydrates and fats. All foods are divided up into a combination of these macros, and that’s how the calorie content is made up.
Protein and carbs are four calories per gram, and fat is nine calories per gram.
Counting your calories is still important, whether you’re trying to lose fat or bulk up, but when it’s done in conjunction with counting your macros, that’s when you get the best results.
Research has shown that when you have a calorie deficit and keep your protein high, that’s when you lose the most weight.
I was the sole creater and visionary on this project. Fit Nutrition was broken up into three distinct projects; an app, website and editioral. Let's Get Fit was created to help guide individuals on the beginning steps of Macro Nutrition. Helping them find the appropriate style with a physical copy of the book.
Let's Get Fit was one part of my final thesis.